Source code for repo_helper.blocks

#!/usr/bin/env python
Reusable blocks of reStructuredText.
#  Copyright © 2020 Dominic Davis-Foster <>
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
#  MA 02110-1301, USA.

# stdlib
import functools
import re
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Sequence, Union

# 3rd party
from domdf_python_tools.paths import PathPlus
from domdf_python_tools.stringlist import DelimitedList, StringList
from jinja2 import BaseLoader, Environment, StrictUndefined, Template
from shippinglabel import normalize

# this package
from repo_helper._docs_shields import (
from repo_helper.shields import (
from repo_helper.utils import resource

__all__ = [

#: Regular expression to match the installation block placeholder.
installation_regex = re.compile(r"(?s)(\.\. start installation)(.*?)(\.\. end installation)\n")

#: Regular expression to match the shields block placeholder.
shields_regex = re.compile(r"(?s)(\.\. start shields)(.*?)(\.\. end shields)")

#: Regular expression to match the short description block placeholder.
short_desc_regex = re.compile(r"(?s)(\.\. start short[-_]desc)(.*?)(\.\. end short[-_]desc)")

#: Regular expression to match the links block placeholder.
links_regex = re.compile(r"(?s)(\.\. start links)(.*?)(\.\. end links)")

def template_from_file(filename: str, **globals) -> Template:  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
	Returns the template for the given filename.

	:param filename:
	:param \*\*globals:

	with resource("repo_helper.blocks", filename) as shields_block_template_file:
		template_text = PathPlus(shields_block_template_file).read_text().replace("\\\n", '')

		environment = Environment(loader=BaseLoader(), undefined=StrictUndefined)  # nosec: B701

		if globals:
			return environment.from_string(template_text, globals=globals)
			return environment.from_string(template_text)

[docs]@functools.lru_cache(1) def get_readme_installation_block_template() -> Template: """ Loads the readme_installation_block template from file and returns a jinja2 :class:`jinja2.environment.Template` for it. """ # noqa: D400 return template_from_file("readme_installation_block_template.rst")
[docs]@functools.lru_cache(1) def get_readme_installation_block_no_pypi_template() -> Template: """ Loads the readme_installation_block_no_pypi template from file and returns a jinja2 :class:`jinja2.environment.Template` for it. .. versionadded:: 2020.12.1 """ # noqa: D400 return template_from_file("readme_installation_block_no_pypi_template.rst")
[docs]@functools.lru_cache(1) def get_docs_installation_block_template() -> Template: """ Loads the docs_installation_block template from file and returns a jinja2 :class:`jinja2.environment.Template` for it. """ # noqa: D400 return template_from_file("docs_installation_block_template.rst")
[docs]def create_readme_install_block( modname: str, username: str, conda: bool = True, pypi: bool = True, pypi_name: Optional[str] = None, conda_channels: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ) -> str: """ Create the installation instructions for insertion into the README. :param modname: The name of the program / library. :param username: The username of the GitHub account that owns the repository. :param conda: Whether to show Anaconda installation instructions. :param pypi: Whether to show PyPI installation instructions. :param pypi_name: The name of the project on PyPI. Defaults to the value of ``repo_name`` if unset. :param conda_channels: List of required Conda channels. :return: The installation block created from the above settings. """ if not conda_channels and conda: raise ValueError("Please supply a list of 'conda_channels' if Conda builds are supported") if not pypi_name: pypi_name = modname if pypi: return get_readme_installation_block_template().render( modname=modname, username=username, conda=conda, pypi_name=pypi_name, conda_channels=conda_channels, ) else: return ".. start installation\n.. end installation\n"
[docs]def create_short_desc_block(short_desc: str) -> str: """ Creates the short description block insertion into the README, documentation etc. :param short_desc: A short description of the program / library. :return: The short description block created from the above settings. """ return f"""\ .. start short_desc **{short_desc}** .. end short_desc"""
[docs]def create_docs_install_block( repo_name: str, username: str, conda: bool = True, pypi: bool = True, pypi_name: Optional[str] = None, conda_channels: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ) -> str: """ Create the installation instructions for insertion into the documentation. :param repo_name: The name of the GitHub repository. :param username: The username of the GitHub account that owns the repository. (Not used; ensures API compatibility with :func:`~.create_readme_install_block`) :param conda: Whether to show Anaconda installation instructions. :param pypi: Whether to show PyPI installation instructions. :param pypi_name: The name of the project on PyPI. Defaults to the value of ``repo_name`` if unset. :param conda_channels: List of required Conda channels. :return: The installation block created from the above settings. """ if not conda_channels and conda: raise ValueError("Please supply a list of 'conda_channels' if Conda builds are supported") if not pypi_name: pypi_name = repo_name conda_channels = DelimitedList(conda_channels or []) block = StringList([".. start installation", '', f".. installation:: {pypi_name}"]) with block.with_indent_size(1): if pypi: block.append(":pypi:") block.append(":github:") if conda: block.append(":anaconda:") block.append(f":conda-channels: {conda_channels:, }") block.blankline() block.append(".. end installation") return str(block)
[docs]class ShieldsBlock: """ Create the shields block for insertion into the README, documentation etc. :param username: The username of the GitHub account that owns the repository. :param repo_name: The name of the repository. :param version: :param conda: :param tests: :param docs: :param docs_url: :param pypi_name: The name of the project on PyPI. Defaults to the value of ``repo_name`` if unset. :param unique_name: An optional unique name for the reST substitutions. :param docker_shields: Whether to show shields for Docker. Default :py:obj:`False`. :param docker_name: The name of the Docker image on DockerHub. :param platforms: List of supported platforms. :param on_pypi: :param primary_conda_channel: The Conda channel the package can be downloaded from. .. versionadded:: 2020.12.11 """ #: This list controls which sections are included, and their order. sections = ( "Docs", "Tests", "PyPI", "Anaconda", "Activity", "QA", "Docker", "Other", ) #: This list controls which substitutions are included, and their order. substitutions = ( "docs", "docs_check", "actions_linux", "actions_windows", "actions_macos", "actions_flake8", "actions_mypy", "requires", "coveralls", "codefactor", "pypi-version", "supported-versions", "supported-implementations", "wheel", "conda-version", "conda-platform", "license", "language", "commits-since", "commits-latest", "maintained", "pypi-downloads", "docker_build", "docker_automated", "docker_size", ) def __init__( self, username: str, repo_name: str, version: Union[str, int], *, conda: bool = True, tests: bool = True, docs: bool = True, docs_url: str = "https://{}", pypi_name: Optional[str] = None, unique_name: str = '', docker_shields: bool = False, docker_name: str = '', platforms: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, on_pypi: bool = True, primary_conda_channel: Optional[str] = None, ): if unique_name and not unique_name.startswith('_'): unique_name = f"_{unique_name}" self.username: str = str(username) self.repo_name: str = str(repo_name) self.version: Union[str, int] = str(version) self.conda: bool = conda self.tests: bool = tests bool = docs self.docs_url: str = docs_url.format(normalize(self.repo_name)) self.pypi_name: str = pypi_name or repo_name self.unique_name: str = str(unique_name) self.docker_shields: bool = docker_shields self.docker_name: str = str(docker_name) self.platforms: Iterable[str] = set(platforms or ()) self.on_pypi: bool = on_pypi self.primary_conda_channel: str = primary_conda_channel or self.username self.set_readme_mode()
[docs] def set_readme_mode(self) -> None: """ Create shields for insertion into ``README.rst``. """ self.make_actions_shield = make_actions_shield self.make_activity_shield = make_activity_shield self.make_codefactor_shield = make_codefactor_shield self.make_conda_platform_shield = make_conda_platform_shield self.make_conda_version_shield = make_conda_version_shield self.make_coveralls_shield = make_coveralls_shield self.make_docker_automated_build_shield = make_docker_automated_build_shield self.make_docker_build_status_shield = make_docker_build_status_shield self.make_docker_size_shield = make_docker_size_shield self.make_docs_check_shield = make_docs_check_shield self.make_language_shield = make_language_shield self.make_last_commit_shield = make_last_commit_shield self.make_license_shield = make_license_shield self.make_maintained_shield = make_maintained_shield self.make_pypi_version_shield = make_pypi_version_shield self.make_python_implementations_shield = make_python_implementations_shield self.make_python_versions_shield = make_python_versions_shield self.make_requires_shield = make_requires_shield self.make_rtfd_shield = make_rtfd_shield self.make_wheel_shield = make_wheel_shield self.make_pypi_downloads_shield = make_pypi_downloads_shield
[docs] def set_docs_mode(self) -> None: """ Create shields for insertion into Sphinx documentation. """ self.make_actions_shield = make_docs_actions_shield self.make_activity_shield = make_docs_activity_shield self.make_codefactor_shield = make_docs_codefactor_shield self.make_conda_platform_shield = make_docs_conda_platform_shield self.make_conda_version_shield = make_docs_conda_version_shield self.make_coveralls_shield = make_docs_coveralls_shield self.make_docker_automated_build_shield = make_docs_docker_automated_build_shield self.make_docker_build_status_shield = make_docs_docker_build_status_shield self.make_docker_size_shield = make_docs_docker_size_shield self.make_docs_check_shield = make_docs_docs_check_shield self.make_language_shield = make_docs_language_shield self.make_last_commit_shield = make_docs_last_commit_shield self.make_license_shield = make_docs_license_shield self.make_maintained_shield = make_docs_maintained_shield self.make_pypi_version_shield = make_docs_pypi_version_shield self.make_python_implementations_shield = make_docs_python_implementations_shield self.make_python_versions_shield = make_docs_python_versions_shield self.make_requires_shield = make_docs_requires_shield self.make_rtfd_shield = make_docs_rtfd_shield self.make_wheel_shield = make_docs_wheel_shield self.make_pypi_downloads_shield = make_docs_pypi_downloads_shield
[docs] def make(self) -> StringList: """ Constructs the contents of the shields block. """ buf = StringList() sections = {} substitutions = {} repo_name = self.repo_name username = self.username pypi_name = self.pypi_name if self.unique_name: buf.append(f".. start shields {self.unique_name.lstrip('_')}") else: buf.append(f".. start shields") buf.blankline(ensure_single=True) buf.extend([".. list-table::", "\t:stub-columns: 1", "\t:widths: 10 90"]) buf.blankline(ensure_single=True) sections["Activity"] = ["commits-latest", "commits-since", "maintained"] substitutions["commits-since"] = self.make_activity_shield(repo_name, username, self.version) substitutions["commits-latest"] = self.make_last_commit_shield(repo_name, username) substitutions["maintained"] = self.make_maintained_shield() sections["Other"] = ["license", "language", "requires"] substitutions["requires"] = self.make_requires_shield(repo_name, username) substitutions["license"] = self.make_license_shield(repo_name, username) substitutions["language"] = self.make_language_shield(repo_name, username) sections["QA"] = ["codefactor", "actions_flake8", "actions_mypy"] substitutions["codefactor"] = self.make_codefactor_shield(repo_name, username) substitutions["actions_flake8"] = self.make_actions_shield(repo_name, username, "Flake8", "Flake8 Status") substitutions["actions_mypy"] = self.make_actions_shield(repo_name, username, "mypy", "mypy status") if sections["Docs"] = ["docs", "docs_check"] substitutions["docs"] = self.make_rtfd_shield(repo_name, self.docs_url) substitutions["docs_check"] = self.make_docs_check_shield(repo_name, username) sections["Tests"] = [] if "Linux" in self.platforms: sections["Tests"].append("actions_linux") substitutions["actions_linux"] = self.make_actions_shield( repo_name, username, "Linux", "Linux Test Status", ) if "Windows" in self.platforms: sections["Tests"].append("actions_windows") substitutions["actions_windows"] = self.make_actions_shield( repo_name, username, "Windows", "Windows Test Status", ) if "macOS" in self.platforms: sections["Tests"].append("actions_macos") substitutions["actions_macos"] = self.make_actions_shield( repo_name, username, "macOS", "macOS Test Status", ) if self.tests: sections["Tests"].append("coveralls") substitutions["coveralls"] = self.make_coveralls_shield(repo_name, username) if self.on_pypi: sections["PyPI"] = ["pypi-version", "supported-versions", "supported-implementations", "wheel"] substitutions["pypi-version"] = self.make_pypi_version_shield(pypi_name) substitutions["supported-versions"] = self.make_python_versions_shield(pypi_name) substitutions["supported-implementations"] = self.make_python_implementations_shield(pypi_name) substitutions["wheel"] = self.make_wheel_shield(pypi_name) sections["Activity"].append("pypi-downloads") substitutions["pypi-downloads"] = self.make_pypi_downloads_shield(pypi_name) if self.conda: sections["Anaconda"] = ["conda-version", "conda-platform"] substitutions["conda-version"] = self.make_conda_version_shield(pypi_name, self.primary_conda_channel) substitutions["conda-platform"] = self.make_conda_platform_shield( pypi_name, self.primary_conda_channel ) if self.docker_shields: docker_name = self.docker_name sections["Docker"] = ["docker_build", "docker_automated", "docker_size"] substitutions["docker_build"] = self.make_docker_build_status_shield(docker_name, username) substitutions["docker_automated"] = self.make_docker_automated_build_shield(docker_name, username) substitutions["docker_size"] = self.make_docker_size_shield(docker_name, username) for section in self.sections: if section not in sections or not sections[section]: continue images = DelimitedList([f"|{name}{self.unique_name}|" for name in sections[section]]) buf.extend([f" * - {section}", f" - {images: }"]) for sub_name in self.substitutions: if sub_name not in substitutions: continue buf.blankline(ensure_single=True) buf.append(f".. |{sub_name}{self.unique_name}| {substitutions[sub_name][3:]}") buf.blankline(ensure_single=True) buf.append(".. end shields") # buf.blankline(ensure_single=True) return buf