#!/usr/bin/env python
# release.py
Functions for making tagged releases.
.. versionadded:: 2020.12.29
# Copyright © 2020 Dominic Davis-Foster <dominic@davis-foster.co.uk>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301, USA.
# stdlib
import os
from datetime import date
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Optional
# 3rd party
import click
from consolekit.terminal_colours import Fore
from consolekit.utils import abort
from domdf_python_tools.paths import PathPlus, in_directory, traverse_to_file
from domdf_python_tools.typing import PathLike
from dulwich.porcelain import tag_create
from packaging.version import Version
from southwark import assert_clean
from southwark.repo import Repo
from typing_extensions import TypedDict
# this package
from repo_helper.cli.utils import commit_changed_files
from repo_helper.configupdater2 import ConfigUpdater
from repo_helper.core import RepoHelper
from repo_helper.files.ci_cd import get_bumpversion_filenames
__all__ = ["Bumper", "BumpversionFileConfig"]
class _Version(Version):
def from_parts(
release: Iterable,
pre: Optional[Iterable] = None,
post: Optional[Any] = None,
dev: Optional[Any] = None,
local: Optional[Any] = None
) -> Version:
# Release segment
parts = ['.'.join(str(x) for x in release)]
# Pre-release
if pre is not None:
parts.append(''.join(str(x) for x in pre))
# Post-release
if post is not None:
# Development release
if dev is not None:
# Local version segment
if local is not None:
return cls(''.join(parts))
[docs]class BumpversionFileConfig(TypedDict):
Represents the subset of ``bumpversion`` per-file configuration values used by ``repo-helper``.
search: str
replace: str
[docs]class Bumper:
Class to bump the repository version.
:param repo_path:
:param force: Whether to force bumping the version when the repository is unclean.
def __init__(self, repo_path: PathPlus, force: bool = False):
self.repo = RepoHelper(traverse_to_file(PathPlus(repo_path), "repo_helper.yml"))
if not assert_clean(self.repo.target_repo):
if force:
click.echo(Fore.RED("Proceeding anyway"), err=True)
raise click.Abort
# pypi_secure_key = "travis_pypi_secure"
# if self.repo.templates.globals["on_pypi"] and not self.repo.templates.globals[pypi_secure_key]:
# raise abort(f"Cowardly refusing to bump the version when {pypi_secure_key!r} is unset.")
# TODO: Handle this wrt github actions
self.current_version = self.get_current_version()
#: The path to the bumpversion configuration file.
self.bumpversion_file = self.repo.target_repo / ".bumpversion.cfg"
[docs] def major(self, commit: Optional[bool], message: str) -> None:
Bump to the next major version.
:param commit: Whether to commit automatically (:py:obj:`True`) or ask first (:py:obj:`None`).
:param message: The commit message.
new_version = _Version.from_parts((self.current_version.major + 1, 0, 0))
self.bump(new_version, commit, message)
[docs] def minor(self, commit: Optional[bool], message: str) -> None:
Bump to the next minor version.
:param commit: Whether to commit automatically (:py:obj:`True`) or ask first (:py:obj:`None`).
:param message: The commit message.
new_version = _Version.from_parts((self.current_version.major, self.current_version.minor + 1, 0))
self.bump(new_version, commit, message)
[docs] def patch(self, commit: Optional[bool], message: str) -> None:
Bump to the next patch version.
:param commit: Whether to commit automatically (:py:obj:`True`) or ask first (:py:obj:`None`).
:param message: The commit message.
new_version = _Version.from_parts((
self.current_version.micro + 1,
self.bump(new_version, commit, message)
[docs] def today(self, commit: Optional[bool], message: str) -> None:
Bump to the calver version for today's date.
E.g. 2020.12.25 for 25th December 2020
:param commit: Whether to commit automatically (:py:obj:`True`) or ask first (:py:obj:`None`).
:param message: The commit message.
today = date.today()
new_version = _Version.from_parts((today.year, today.month, today.day))
self.bump(new_version, commit, message)
[docs] def bump(self, new_version: Version, commit: Optional[bool], message: str) -> None:
Bump to the given version.
:param new_version:
:param commit: Whether to commit automatically (:py:obj:`True`) or ask first (:py:obj:`None`).
:param message: The commit message.
.. versionchanged:: 2021.8.11
Now takes a :class:`packaging.version.Version` rather than a
with in_directory(self.repo.target_repo):
new_version_str = str(new_version)
dulwich_repo = Repo(self.repo.target_repo)
if f"v{new_version_str}".encode("UTF-8") in dulwich_repo.refs.as_dict(b"refs/tags"):
raise abort(f"The tag 'v{new_version_str}' already exists!")
bumpversion_config = self.get_bumpversion_config(str(self.current_version), new_version_str)
changed_files = [self.bumpversion_file.relative_to(self.repo.target_repo).as_posix()]
for filename in bumpversion_config.keys():
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
raise FileNotFoundError(filename)
for filename, config in bumpversion_config.items():
self.bump_version_for_file(filename, config)
# Update number in .bumpversion.cfg
bv = ConfigUpdater()
bv["bumpversion"]["current_version"] = new_version_str
commit_message = message.format(current_version=self.current_version, new_version=new_version)
if commit_changed_files(
tag_create(dulwich_repo, f"v{new_version_str}")
[docs] def get_current_version(self) -> Version:
Returns the current version from the ``repo_helper.yml`` configuration file.
return Version(self.repo.templates.globals["version"])
[docs] def get_bumpversion_config(
current_version: str,
new_version: str,
) -> Dict[str, BumpversionFileConfig]:
Returns the bumpversion config.
:param current_version:
:param new_version:
bv = ConfigUpdater()
def default() -> BumpversionFileConfig:
return {"search": current_version, "replace": new_version}
# populate with the sections which are managed by repo_helper
config: Dict[str, BumpversionFileConfig] = {
filename: default()
for filename in get_bumpversion_filenames(self.repo.templates)
if self.repo.templates.globals["enable_docs"]:
config[f"{self.repo.templates.globals['docs_dir']}/index.rst"] = default()
for section in bv.sections():
if not section.startswith("bumpversion:file:"):
section_dict: Dict[str, str] = bv[section].to_dict()
config[section[17:]] = dict(
search=section_dict.get("search", "{current_version}").format(current_version=current_version),
replace=section_dict.get("replace", "{new_version}").format(new_version=new_version),
return config
[docs] def bump_version_for_file(self, filename: PathLike, config: BumpversionFileConfig) -> None:
Bumps the version for the given file.
:param filename:
:param config:
filename = self.repo.target_repo / filename
filename.write_text(filename.read_text().replace(config["search"], config["replace"]))