Source code for repo_helper.files.bots

#!/usr/bin/env python
Manage configuration files for bots.
#  Copyright © 2020 Dominic Davis-Foster <>
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
#  MA 02110-1301, USA.

# stdlib
import json
import pathlib
from typing import Any, List, MutableMapping

# 3rd party
from domdf_python_tools.paths import PathPlus

# this package
from repo_helper.files import management
from repo_helper.templates import Environment
from repo_helper.utils import _round_trip_dump

__all__ = [

[docs]@management.register("stale_bot") def make_stale_bot(repo_path: pathlib.Path, templates: Environment) -> List[str]: """ Add configuration for ``stale`` to the desired repo. :param repo_path: Path to the repository root. :param templates: """ stale_file = PathPlus(repo_path) / ".github" / "stale.yml" stale_file.parent.maybe_make() stale_file.write_clean(templates.get_template("stale_bot.yaml").render()) return [stale_file.relative_to(repo_path).as_posix()]
[docs]@management.register("auto_assign") def make_auto_assign_action(repo_path: pathlib.Path, templates: Environment) -> List[str]: """ Add configuration for ``auto-assign`` to the desired repo. :param repo_path: Path to the repository root. :param templates: """ dot_github = PathPlus(repo_path / ".github") (dot_github / "workflows").maybe_make(parents=True) assign_workflow = dot_github / "workflows" / "assign.yml" old_assign_workflow = dot_github / "workflow" / "assign.yml" auto_assign_yml = dot_github / "auto_assign.yml" if old_assign_workflow.is_file(): old_assign_workflow.unlink() if old_assign_workflow.parent.is_dir(): old_assign_workflow.parent.rmdir() if assign_workflow.is_file(): assign_workflow.unlink() config: MutableMapping[str, Any] = { "addReviewers": True, "addAssignees": True, } # A list of reviewers to be added to pull requests (GitHub user name) config["reviewers"] = [templates.globals["assignee"]] # A number of reviewers added to the pull request # Set 0 to add all the reviewers config["numberOfReviewers"] = 0 # A list of assignees, overrides reviewers if set # assignees: # - assigneeA # A number of assignees to add to the pull request # Set to 0 to add assignees. # Uses numberOfReviewers if unset. # numberOfAssignees: 2 # more settings at auto_assign_yml.write_lines([ f"# {templates.globals['managed_message']}", "---", _round_trip_dump(config), "# more settings at", ]) return [ assign_workflow.relative_to(repo_path).as_posix(), old_assign_workflow.relative_to(repo_path).as_posix(), auto_assign_yml.relative_to(repo_path).as_posix(), ]
[docs]@management.register("dependabot") def make_dependabot(repo_path: pathlib.Path, templates: Environment) -> List[str]: """ Add configuration for ``dependabot`` to the desired repo. :param repo_path: Path to the repository root. :param templates: .. deprecated:: 2020.12.11 """ dependabot_file = PathPlus(repo_path / ".dependabot" / "config.yml") dependabot_file.parent.maybe_make() update_configs = { "package_manager": "python", "directory": '/', "update_schedule": "weekly", "default_reviewers": [templates.globals["assignee"]], } config = {"version": 1, "update_configs": [update_configs]} dependabot_file.write_lines([ f"# {templates.globals['managed_message']}", "---", _round_trip_dump(config), ]) return [dependabot_file.relative_to(repo_path).as_posix()]
[docs]@management.register("dependabotv2") def make_dependabotv2(repo_path: pathlib.Path, templates: Environment) -> List[str]: """ Add configuration for ``dependabot`` to the desired repo. :param repo_path: Path to the repository root. :param templates: .. versionadded:: 2020.12.11 """ dependabot_file = PathPlus(repo_path / ".github" / "dependabot.yml") dependabot_file.parent.maybe_make() updates = { "package-ecosystem": "pip", "directory": '/', "schedule": {"interval": "weekly"}, "reviewers": [templates.globals["assignee"]], } config = {"version": 2, "updates": [updates]} dependabot_file.write_lines([ f"# {templates.globals['managed_message']}", "---", _round_trip_dump(config), ]) return [dependabot_file.relative_to(repo_path).as_posix()]
[docs]@management.register("imgbot") def make_imgbot(repo_path: pathlib.Path, templates: Environment) -> List[str]: """ Add configuration for ``imgbot`` to the desired repo. :param repo_path: Path to the repository root. :param templates: """ imgbot_file = PathPlus(repo_path / ".imgbotconfig") imgbot_config = { "schedule": "weekly", "ignoredFiles": ["**/*.svg"] + templates.globals["imgbot_ignore"], } imgbot_file.write_clean(json.dumps(imgbot_config, indent=4)) return []
# @management.register("automerge") def make_automerge_action(repo_path: pathlib.Path, templates: Environment) -> List[str]: """ Add configuration for to the desired repo. :param repo_path: Path to the repository root. :param templates: """ dot_github = PathPlus(repo_path / ".github") (dot_github / "workflows").maybe_make(parents=True) automerge_workflow = dot_github / "workflows" / "automerge.yml" pr_types = [ "labeled", "unlabeled", "synchronize", "opened", "edited", "ready_for_review", "reopened", "unlocked", ] steps = [{ "name": "automerge", "uses": "pascalgn/automerge-action@v0.12.0", "env": { "GITHUB_TOKEN": "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}", "MERGE_METHOD": "squash", }, }] config: MutableMapping[str, Any] = { "name": "automerge", "on": { "pull_request": {"types": pr_types}, "pull_request_review": {"types": ["submitted"]}, "check_suite": {"types": ["completed"]}, "status": {}, }, "jobs": {"automerge": {"runs-on": "ubuntu-latest", "steps": steps}} } automerge_workflow.write_lines([ f"# {templates.globals['managed_message']}", "---", _round_trip_dump(config), ]) return [automerge_workflow.relative_to(repo_path).as_posix()]